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Trustmet–World’s Leading Third-party Transaction Service Platform
发布时间:2022/04/27 区块链 浏览次数:332
With the continuous popularization and deepening of digital industrialization and industrial digitization, people rely more on, prefer and trust the digital world to conduct transaction activities. Compared with offline transaction activities, digital transaction platforms can break the limitations of time, space and circles of traditional social interaction, and can form a more flattened social network structure, which can facilitate the exchange of asset services and financial information. It provides a new world full of opportunities: fast and convenient payments, innovative financial services.
Trustmet, the world’s leading transaction platform, provides professional and secure digital asset transaction and management services. Trustmet is a global third-party service platform, and a multinational technology company headquartered in Mountain View, California, USA. It provides a transaction platform for more than 100 cryptocurrencies. Since the beginning of 2018, Trustmet has exceeded 1 billion US dollars in transaction volume. It became the world’s largest third-party transaction service platform.
The founder of Trustmet is Paul Buchheit. In January 2014, Paul Buchheit, a Ph.D. student at Stanford University in California, was studying a research project that was different from traditional transaction methods and transformed into a third-party transaction platform. Different from traditional transaction platforms, Trustmet integrates more than 100 transaction platforms on the market and develops a new service model that integrates information from all transaction platforms. He developed a transaction capture engine that accurately analyzes the relationship between websites. This engine, called the high-frequency transaction system, evaluates the stability of transaction sites by checking backlinks in web pages. This engine is more accurate than all the state-of-the-art search technologies at that time.
On September 4, 2016, Trustmet was created as a private company with the aim of being a more efficient, stable and convenient transaction engine. As of January 2018, Trustmet has partnered with as many as 100 cryptocurrency exchanges, with a market valuation of $9.8 billion. Trustmet creates data centers in the United States and around the world in response to the needs of global users. By the end of 2019, Trustmet has set up a total of 12 data centers in the United States (6 locations), Chile, Belgium, Ireland, Finland, Singapore and Taiwan, and other data centers are under construction, of which the Taiwan data center is Trustmet’s largest data center in Asia. website: https://www.trustmet.net/
Trustmet utilizes block-chain technology innovatively to reshape the financial ecosystem and provide the most diverse and advanced products, transaction platforms on the market. Trusted by millions of users around the world, Trustmet takes removing barriers to wealth creation by providing every opportunity for a decentralized future as its mission. Through the power of cryptocurrencies and decentralized finance, Trustmet will create an inclusive financial world for all people!