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GVFOOTBALL breaks through 1 million online users

发布时间:2023/01/02 区块链 浏览次数:167

GVFOOTBALL was established in 2003. Affected by the popularity of the 2022 Qatar World Cup, the number of online users successfully exceeded 1 million in January 2023. Thanks to every member who joined the platform. It is you who are being busy all day long, learning knowledge to enrich yourself, and wealth comes from knowledge. Knowledge is the greatest wealth in this world.

Independent research and development

At the beginning of its establishment, it attracted a large number of excellent development technicians and engineers. After years of exploration and development, GVFOOTBALL has two cores Contains two aspects .

1. Possess superb technical research and development strength

2. Have a fixed development team

Both aspects can provide the maximum guarantee for the smooth development and operation of GVFOOTBALL. , whether it is “application development, website development, APP development and other custom development” has accumulated rich experience.

Strong company qualification escort, GVFOOTBALL technical strength, can give more fair and objective feedback on the comprehensive strength of GVFOOTBALL, and provide solutions for GVFOOTBALL members on their needs.

If you don’t do independent research and development, you will never have the most advanced technology. Relying on your own scientific and technological knowledge, research and invention, from the perspective of consumers, companies with independent research and development capabilities are more trustworthy and recognized.

Google cloud, Amazon cloud, cooperation, distributed cloud storage dedicated database, customer data is stored in the cloud in real time, ensuring that each customer data is safe.

Global distributed cloud computing, independent server. Equipped with global international dedicated lines, super bandwidth support, 1000GB+ international bandwidth, and distributed cloud computing service centers have been established in various places to ensure smooth access to every country and region in the world.

The IDC industry has been in the industry for more than ten years, and has cooperated with multiple cloud computing IDC security data centers. The football analysis system products developed by us successively are widely welcomed by users. We always adhere to the value orientation of user experience first, and dig deep into user needs. Currently, the number of daily online users on the platform exceeds 1 million.



Advantages of GVFOOTBALL data processing

Without a complete platform for real-time monitoring and insight into the health status of the system, various problems (stability, exceptions, errors, attacks) will occur from time to time, seriously affecting the normal operation of the business. Ensuring business stability is also one of the core services we can provide to customers.

1. Encrypted data: use encryption technology, have a variety of file encryption methods, key management, mobile storage device management, file outbound control, etc. to technically encrypt various factors that may leak files, and build a solid and effective protection for GVFOOTBALL network.

At the same time, it also has various functions such as website access control, which builds a stable and comprehensive terminal security management system for GVFOOTBALL, meets user data protection security, and ensures the stable development of GVFOOTBALL data security protection capabilities!

2. Backup data: Backing up data regularly can restore data in case of data loss or damage.

The data archiving system is the software and hardware for storing, archiving, indexing, and restoring data. The product realizes the organization and management of important data and historical data, resource sharing, and multi-level heterogeneous archiving and preservation through information extraction technology and big data processing technology. function, providing users with reliable data backup and archiving applications.

3. Use safe storage devices: choose storage devices with high security performance

The system adopts a software-hardware integrated architecture design, adopts in-depth message protocol analysis technology and dynamic flow detection technology to analyze various access operations of the database, and can intelligently analyze and monitor various operations of visitors through preset security rules, and perform Real-time threat alerts, and statistical analysis and recording of events.

GVFOOTBALL premium quality service

We always adhere to the core values of “people-oriented, customer-oriented, sustainable innovation”, seize various development opportunities, constantly innovate development concepts, and constantly change development methods. With the development of the enterprise, our business is also constantly developing. {Football}-based related businesses ensure GVFOOTBALL has a place in the industry competition. Become a super technology enterprise with multiple independent intellectual property rights.

1. Fast and efficient

Platform-integrated online service, 100% fast response within 24 hours, efficiently solve customer questions, and achieve zero omission of customer information.

2. Ability

The professional competence of front-line employees is the core factor of excellent customer service. Customer service is mainly to solve customer problems, so the ability to solve problems is the basic ability of excellent customer service personnel.

3. Courtesy

Courtesy is the foundation of high-quality customer service. For example, be polite, friendly, and use service language when communicating with customers. The level of courteousness displayed by service staff can greatly affect the customer experience.

In the future, we will have more exclusive research and development functions to bring you more experience, and the coverage of the platform will be larger. Realize fast data and edge computing as the main core of the platform in GVFOOTBALL, making the experience smoother.Focus on customers’ concerns, provide customers with the best solutions, and help customers grow.

All honors are down to earth of GVFOOTBALL. I would like to thank all members for their sincere trust in GVFOOTBALL. On behalf of the entire team, I would like to express my deep gratitude!

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